2024-09-092024-09-092022MARQUES, Rodrigo Silva. Seleção de alternativa para macrodrenagem de bacias urbanas: aplicação de um método multicritério TOPSIS-AHP para auxílio à decisão. 2022. 53 f. Orientador: Alberto Carlos de Melo Lima. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia, Recursos Naturais e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia) - Centro de Ciências Naturais e Tecnologia, Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2022.https://portaldaposgraduacao.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/177AbertoDrenagem urbanaAnálise multicritérioTOPSIS-AHPDrenagemBacias hidrográficas urbanasInundaçõesEscoamento urbanoUrban drainageMulticriteria analysisSeleção de alternativa para macrodrenagem de bacias urbanas: aplicação de um método multicritério TOPSIS-AHP para auxílio à decisão.DissertaçãoCiências Agrárias::Engenharia Agrícola::Engenharia de Água e Solo::Conservação de Solo e ÁguaDisorderly urban growth has considerably affected the hydrological cycle, due to changes in the process of water infiltration into the soil and natural changes in water flow in the urban environment. Thus, in order to assess the efficiency of the different types of current drainage systems, it is important to consider the adoption of criteria in the socio-environmental, technical and economic scope, in order to enable the choice of the most suitable one for the drainage of an area among alternative possible projects for the drainage system. Thus, the main objective of this study is to structure a model to support decision-making on alternative drainage systems, based on a multicriteria approach, which can be designed for an urban watershed. To do so, a methodological procedure was used that used a multicriteria TOPSIS-AHP method to select which alternative urban macro drainage project in the area under study can be used to mitigate the impacts of floods. Applied to the Estrada Nova (BHEN) watershed, located in the city of Belém/PA, five proposed drainage systems were adopted, based on technical, economic and socio-environmental criteria for the functionality of the BHEN. The results showed that a set of actions, the proposed drainage system, the dimensions of the channels and the estimated costs of maintenance and operation of the gates were efficient for an alternative that was presented as the "ideal" for mitigating the impacts of floods in the area. BHEN.PPGTEC - Desenvolvimento sustentável