2024-09-102024-09-102023-06-23CUNHA, Juliana Paiva Rodrigues da. O Olhar da mulher ribeirinha sobre conservação florestal e restauração de clareiras oriundas do manejo florestal: o caso da reserva extrativista “Verde para Sempre”. Orientadora: Claúdia Viana Urbinati. 2023. 65 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia, Recursos Naturais e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia) - Centro de Ciências Naturais e Tecnologia, Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.https://portaldaposgraduacao.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/181AbertoUnidade de conservaçãoManejo florestal comunitárioMulher da florestaRestauração florestalFlorestas - manejoFlorestas - conservaçãoReservas florestaisDireitos ribeirinhosMulheres no desenvolvimento da comunidadeConservation unitCommunity forest managementForest womanForest restorationO Olhar da mulher ribeirinha sobre conservação florestal e restauração de clareiras oriundas do manejo florestal: o caso da reserva extrativista “Verde para Sempre”.DissertaçãoCiências Agrárias::Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal::Conservação da NaturezaThis article deals with women’s perspective on the conservation and restoration of clearings in the Community Forest Management area in the “Verde para Sempre” Extractive Reserve. The study was authorized by the CEP/CCBS/UEPA Ethics Committee (CAAE no. 66784123.7.0000.5174) and registered with the National System for the Management of Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge (SisGen no. AF88B46) and with the Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio no. 86781-1). Rapid Participatory Diagnosis was used to collect sampled information following the “Snowball” methodology adapted to the inclusion criteria in the project. A preliminary floristic survey was conducted on natural regeneration in nine gaps distributed in three Work Units. The results indicate that female participation in Management activities is still incipient, however with great potential for action on several fronts, whether in administrative management or in the technical application of the Forest Management Plan. Despite the extraordinary potential, riverside women who live in the “Verde para Sempre” RESEX are still strongly repressed by the behavior of men who dominate the forest management, and most of the time make decisions and execute actions which are under the control of female responsibility. In economic terms, benefits from carrying out activities within the scope of community forest management developed in the conservation unit is rare. Naturally, riverside women better identify with actions that require less physical effort, such as those aimed at restoring clearings after forest harvesting. Recognition and strengthening of female participation in forest management activities are needed. Therefore, strategies and actions aimed at education and training, as well as self-care workshops, should be considered and implemented as a way to achieve greater engagement of riverside women in forest management activities.PPGTEC - Gestão de recursos agroflorestais