2024-09-052024-09-052023-06-01MORAES, Valéria Monteiro Carrera. Tecnologia sustentável: uso do sensoriamento remoto para prognóstico do Índice de Estado Trófico da Baía de Portel-PA. Orientadora: Hebe Morganne Campos Ribeiro. 2023. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia, Recursos Naturais e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia) - Centro de Ciências Naturais e Tecnologia, Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2023.https://portaldaposgraduacao.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/170AbertoUsos múltiplos da águaEutrofizaçãoDetecção remotaSensoriamento remoto - Portel (PA)Água - qualidadeMonitorização ambientalSolo - usoTecnologia ambientalWater multiple usesEutrophicationRemote detectionTecnologia sustentável: uso do sensoriamento remoto para prognóstico do Índice de Estado Trófico da Baía de Portel-PA.DissertaçãoEngenharias::Engenharia Sanitária::Recursos Hídricos::Planejamento Integrado dos Recursos HídricosThe society’s development is intrinsically related with the water, as a natural resource essential for life in the planet. The contamination or pollution of the water leads to variables phenomena, being on them the eutrophication. Following, aiming the sustainable management of the water resources, the Trophic State Index was developed to make possible the water classification in different degrees of trophic, and the remote sensoring is one of the tools capable to measure this index. That being the case, the objective of this research is to comprehend the capacity of the remote sensoring of predict the Trophic State Index in Portel bay, Pará state. The following research is composed by two phases divided in papers. First it was characterized the land use in the surroundings of the bay through historic research of the county, local photographs registers, image treatment in SIG and NDVI determination. In the second paper, it were identified the standards of spatial distribution of the chlorophyll a in Portel bay using images from the satellite Sentinel 2, after that, it was compared the trophic levels obtained through the remote sensoring analysis and the laboratorial analysis. Through this method, it was identified the water multiple uses along the city bay, including activities that require different water standards. In addition, it was observed through the satellite images that after six years occurs advances in human activities in the central region of Portel, as an example the deforestation. In the second paper, it can be observed that in all the points, the values of TSI verified by the remote sensoring are close to the laboratorial analysis, reaching, predominantly, the mesotrophic class. Before along, the preventive monitoring of this area, where the population have a strong relation with the water of the bay, are viable through environmental programs, which uses the TSI as a tool in association with the remote sensoring and considering the CONAMA nº 357/2005 as a parameter of the chlorophyll a, with an alert for any identification in the analysis by remote sensoring of approaching the maximum value allowed by law.PPGTEC - Desenvolvimento sustentável