2024-10-242024-10-242024-04-19ROCHA, Sarah Lais. Validação de produtos educacionais em ensino em saúde. Orientador: Robson José de Souza Domingues. 2024. 304 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Ensino em Saúde na Amazônia (PPG-ESA), Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde (CCBS), Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2024.https://doi.org/10.55905/cuadv16n3-107https://portaldaposgraduacao.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/239AbertoEnsino em saúdeEstudos de validaçãoTecnologia educacionalMateriais de ensinoMateriais educativos e de divulgaçãoProduto educacionalHealth teachingValidation studiesEducational technologyTeaching materialsEducational and promotional materialsEducational productValidação de produtos educacionais em ensino em saúdeTeseCiências da Saúde::Saúde Coletiva::Saúde PublicaCiências da Saúde::Saúde ColetivaThe use of validated educational products in health education is crucial to guarantee the reliability, effectiveness and coherence of the teaching-learning process. Despite its importance, validation is not always carried out adequately, due to the lack of standardized instruments and methodologies. The knowledge gap regarding the validation of educational products in healt education makes it difficult to develop reliable instruments and impedes the improvement of professional practice. This study aims to develop, validate and apply educational products to support validation studies of educational products in health education. Methodological study with a quantitative approach, developed in five stages: identify, from an integrative literature review (ILR), the best practices for validating educational products; develop a manual based on the state of the art to support validation studies of educational products in health education; validate and apply this manual; develop a didactic sequence for teaching validation of educational products in health education for postgraduate programs in health education on validation of educational products (...).PPG-ESA - Fundamentos e metodologias em ensino na saúde na Amazônia