2024-09-172024-09-172020-02-14SILVA, Mayara Gomes da. Mudança de paisagem e impactos nos serviços ecossistêmicos: um estudo na Reserva Biológica Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo, Pará. Orientador: Gundisalvo Piratoba Morales. 2020. 55 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais) - Centro de Ciências Naturais e Tecnologia, Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2020.https://portaldaposgraduacao.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/189AbertoUso e ocupação do soloUnidade de conservação (PA)BiodiversidadeRecursos naturaisSoloServiços ecossistêmicosProteção ambientalLand useBenefit transferConservation unitMudança de paisagem e impactos nos serviços ecossistêmicos: um estudo na Reserva Biológica Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo, Pará.DissertaçãoCiências Agrárias::Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal::Conservação da NaturezaThe Amazon rainforest, the largest tropical forest in the world, holds one of the largest biodiversities and natural resources on the planet. In this way, conservation units were created in an attempt to protect these natural resources and ecosystem services associated with them. The UCs ensure the maintenance of a series of functions, the benefits of which are enjoyed by the population and economic sectors without realizing them. Considering such benefits, the term “ecosystem services” are the characteristics, functions or ecological processes that directly or indirectly contribute to human well-being. However, despite all the relevance of these services, there is still a scarcity of indicators that express their real benefits for human well-being. Therefore, the study in question aims to map ecosystem services and economic valuation according to the land use in the Reserva Biológica Nascentes da Serra do Cachimbo, located in the state of Pará, from 1985 to 2017. The methodology chosen was based on in the study by Burkhard et al. (2009), in the changes in land use patterns of the classification carried out by the MapBiomas Project and valuation of ecosystem services using the Benefit Transfer method, using value coefficients of ecosystem goods and services obtained by de Groot et al. (2012) and Costanza et al. (2014). The results found showed a high supply potential in this area, mainly in natural areas and the loss in the provision of regulation and cultural services in altered areas and a decrease of more than 25 thousand hectares of forest formation despite presenting ups and downs during the analyzed period and a loss of more than US$ 130 million in relation to ecosystem services from 1985 to 2017, possibly due to the change in natural patterns of use within this conservation unit. It is concluded, therefore, that monitoring and valuation, in addition to indicating that the area has its ecosystem services threatened and need attention, attaches value to the benefits provided by the forest, as a way of stimulating the creation of public policies and sensitizing the community about the relevance of natural resources and intangible services provided by the forest, which are essential for the maintenance of the biome and for ensuring the quality of life of the population.PPGCA - Estudos de ecossistemas amazônicos