2024-09-172024-09-172020-02-14GONÇALVES, Paulo Vitor dos Santos. A circularidade aplicada a gestão dos resíduos sólidos: estudo de caso em um varejo supermercadista no Município de Belém-PA. Orientador Hélio Raymundo Ferreira Filho. 2020. 57 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais) - Centro de Ciências Naturais e Tecnologia, Universidade do Estado do Pará, Belém, 2020.https://portaldaposgraduacao.uepa.br/handle/riuepa/191AbertoLogística reversaEconomia circularResíduos sólidosSustentabilidadeGestãoEconomia circularReverse logisticsCircular economySolid wasteSustainabilityA circularidade aplicada a gestão dos resíduos sólidos: estudo de caso em um varejo supermercadista no Município de Belém-PA.DissertaçãoEngenharias::Engenharia de Produção::Gerência de ProduçãoThe dissertation address questions related to sustainability applied to the management of solid waste in a supermarket located in the city of Belém, in the state of Pará. The objective was to analyze the reverse logistics (RL) and circular economy (CE) practices implemented in the company and how these activities corroborate for a sustainability establishment. The RL practices that promote the circularity of the management of plastic, cardboard and aluminum waste and organic bovine waste from the company's butcher shop were analyzed. A qualitative and quantitative approach was used to explore the retail chain in focus and the relationship with its surroundings. In the case of bone and fat residues generated by the supermarket's butcher, it was found that they are destined for the production of animal feed through a reverse logistics system, resulting in circularity of the material, as determined by the CE. During the evaluation period, 28,191 kg of organic waste from the butcher shop were collected and sold, generating a revenue of R$ 8654.60. Through the quantification of plastic, cardboard and aluminum residues, collected and directed to the reverse flow and the use of Material Imput (MI) calculation for indirect assessment of environmental impacts, it was verified that the recovery of these residues avoided the amount of 73,213 to the environment. kg, preventing 8,051,699.72 kg of abiotic and biotic material, water and air from being impacted by the production or irregular disposition of these materials. Furthermore, this process generated gross revenue of R$ 48,212.70. It was concluded that the RL system implemented in the supermarket is efficient and resulted in environmental gains due to the mitigation of impacts on the environment, economic gains from the sale of these materials for the recycling process and social gains due to the promotion of jobs and income related to established sustainability practices.PPGCA - Meio ambiente e sustentabilidade